Do dogs suffer from Headaches?

By: AnthonyVolz

Animal Headaches

Do dogs get headaches? Canine headaches can be very uncomfortable and they are very common.

Although there aren’t a lot of studies on the subject due to the fact that dogs don’t have the ability to express their pain through words, the majority of veterinarians are of the opinion that dog headaches is possible and quite often.

Do dogs get Headaches?

Do animals get headaches? Let’s examine the ways your dog behaves when they experience a headache as well as what can the head pain to become more severe, and what you can do to manage dog migraines at home because we aren’t going to let our pets to feel uncomfortable.

Numerous veterinarians agree that it’s possible that dogs may suffer headaches, but only a few studies have proven this. To comprehend why and how headaches can occur in humans, we need to first understand the mechanisms they play into.

The brain is the body’s pain monitor. The swelling of nerves and blood vessels and the contraction, or expansion of the muscles surrounding our neck and skull can result in pain in the head.

Dogs can get headaches just as humans. They also experience headaches because their nerves and blood vessel structures are similar to those of humans.

Canines cannot communicate or explain where the pain is originating, how long it is, or what exact feeling it triggers. Thus, headaches are a source of controversy in the veterinary profession since they can be difficult to identify in canines (all questions veterinarians ask their human patients to diagnose headaches properly).

Can dogs get migraines? Although some vets may be uncertain about whether dogs suffer headaches, other vets may think that they could. This could be either momentary or continuous headaches.

The senses of dogs may be more powerful of smell than human beings, and this could be a factor in canine migraines.

Can Dogs get migraines?

The case study below shows migraines are a possibility in dogs. Because you don’t want your dog to be experiencing any pain then take a look at the symptoms that could indicate that your dog suffers from a headache and also other factors that may be contributing to or exacerbating this kind of head pain, and some of the methods you can treat migraines in dogs at home.

How to tell if your Dog Is Headache Suffering

How do you know if your dog is suffering from a headache? Though dogs might not be capable of expressing their pain in the same way as humans however, there are ways you can tell if your dog has headache.

These are the signs that dogs might exhibit if experiencing headaches:

Sensitivity to Light

A dog’s sensitivity towards lights could be an indication that it’s experiencing headaches. You might have observed your dog avoid areas of your home that have bright lights or that it’s seeking to flee to darker rooms or areas of the home.

Dogs may find it difficult to leave the home, even if the sun is shining because it could cause irritation to their headaches.

You should avoid bright areas and ensure that your dog is kept away from them. Your dog may also be more sensitive the light. This same issue could lead your dog to blink faster and more frequently.

Sensitivity to Touch

If your dog is suffering from a headache, it may be sensitive to touch and also to light. Most likely, this is the case with their eyes and temples. It is possible to experience headaches when your dog is affectionate and loves to be cared for but avoids attention.

Anxious behaviors can be a sign of a Headache

The dog may exhibit signs of stress, such as frequently licking their lips, panting, and even pacing around the home when they’re experiencing pain. These behaviors of stress can indicate various problems among dogs, which range from general separation anxiety to an aversion to loudness.

If your dog is showing other symptoms this could be an indication that they are suffering from head pain.

Attention to its Meals

A terrible headache can cause eating difficulties for both of you. The dog that is usually a ravenous eater could suffer from headaches if notice that they’re less engaged in their food as they normally are or have trouble chewing their food.


An inability to eat for dogs is an important problem you should not ignore and, therefore, if it’s one of the symptoms of your dog’s discomfort it is important to determine the root of the issue and figure out a solution in the shortest time possible.

Sleeping More

A headache in animals, and humans, could result in a rise in sleep. A headache can make a dog have a harder time sleeping, to be more sedentary, have a harder time getting up early in the morning, and may even go to bed earlier. Additionally, it may spend more time lying down.

They might try to relieve their head pain by falling asleep or perhaps they have a headache that has made it difficult to move.

The causes of canine headaches

The canines are certainly suffering from headaches due to several causes, just like humans do (but it’s not related to alcohol-related headaches). Here are the most common causes.

  • Trauma to the neck or head or injury
  • Dental issues
  • Use of collared words
  • Chemicals that cause irritation, such as smoke
  • Exposure of mold spores
  • A poor diet
  • Allergies
  • Stress, emotional suffering, or worry
  • Sinus infection or nasal infection
  • Head colds and other related illnesses